Research assistant in polymer 3D printing. Successful candidate will operate 3D printers using various pelletized materials, monitor print quality, and report results


Ref. num. 2024-MH-R1-184

Research assistant in polymer 3D printing / Asistente de investigación en impresión 3D

In Evaluation. It is not possible to apply anymore

IMDEA Materials Institute is a public research organization founded in 2007 by Madrid’s regional government to carry out research of excellence in Material Science and Engineering by attracting talent from all over the world to work in an international and multidisciplinary environment. IMDEA Materials has grown rapidly since its foundation and currently includes more than 120 researchers from 22 nationalities and has become one of the leading research centers in materials in Europe which has received the María de Maeztu seal of excellence from the Spanish government. The research activities have been focused on the areas of materials for transport, energy, and health care and the Institute has state-of-the-art facilities for processing, characterization and simulation of advanced materials.

More information can be found at our webpage.


IMDEA's Computational and Data-driven Materials Discovery Group is seeking a part-time research assistant to support a project focused on applying machine learning to control 3D printer farms.

The successful candidate will operate 3D printers using various pelletized materials, monitor print quality, and report results. They will join a vibrant team dedicated to autonomous experimentation, with the opportunity to explore other cutting-edge topics such as artificial intelligence and collaborative robotics.

Additionally, the hired researcher will have access to regular training activities on transferable skills, organized by the Project Management Office at IMDEA. These include project management, leadership, funding strategies, grant writing, intellectual property, and science communication to both specialized and non-specialized audiences.


El Grupo de Descubrimiento de Materiales Computacionales y Basados en Datos de IMDEA está buscando un asistente de investigación a tiempo parcial para apoyar un proyecto enfocado en la aplicación del aprendizaje automático para controlar granjas de impresoras 3D.

El candidato seleccionado operará impresoras 3D que trabajan con varios materiales en forma de pellets, supervisará la calidad de las impresiones y reportará los resultados. Se unirá a un equipo dinámico dedicado a la experimentación autónoma, con la oportunidad de aprender sobre otros temas avanzados como la inteligencia artificial y los robots colaborativos.

Además, el investigador contratado tendrá acceso a actividades de formación regular sobre habilidades transferibles, organizadas por la Oficina de Gestión de Proyectos en IMDEA. Estas actividades incluyen gestión de proyectos, liderazgo, búsqueda de financiación, redacción de subvenciones, propiedad intelectual y comunicación científica para audiencias especializadas y no especializadas.


A high school diploma is required, but we prefer a university student currently enrolled in a technical program (e.g., engineering, chemistry, materials science, applied mathematics, etc.).
Previous experience with polymer 3D printing is essential.
A basic level of English is required.
Working knowledge of a CAD design program, such as FreeCAD, is an advantage.

When applying, please include a description of your experience with 3D printing (e.g., which printers, which materials, and for how long) either as part of your CV or as a separate document attached to your CV.


Se requiere haber completado la educación secundaria, aunque se prefiere un estudiante universitario actualmente matriculado en un programa técnico (por ejemplo, ingeniería, química, ciencia de materiales, matemáticas aplicadas, etc.).
Es esencial contar con experiencia previa en impresión 3D con polímeros.
Se requiere un nivel básico de inglés.
Se valorará el conocimiento de un programa de diseño CAD, como FreeCAD.

Al postular, por favor incluya una descripción de su experiencia con la impresión 3D (por ejemplo, ¿qué impresoras?, ¿qué materiales?, ¿durante cuánto tiempo?) ya sea como parte de su CV o como un documento adjunto al mismo.


This position is part-time, limited-term employment. The ideal candidate will have the flexibility to arrange working hours according to their schedule, with an expected effort of 10-20h/wk. The contract will be for 3-4 months, with the possibility of extension.

The selected person will work on the project MATERIALES DISRUPTIVOS BIDIMENSIONALES (2D) which is funded by the Community of Madrid, the State through the Plan de Recuperación, Transformación y Resiliencia, and the European Union through the NextGeneration EU funds.


Esta posición es de empleo a tiempo parcial y por un período limitado. El candidato ideal tendrá la flexibilidad de organizar su horario de trabajo de acuerdo con su disponibilidad, con un esfuerzo esperado del 10-20h/semana. El contrato será por 3-4 meses, con posibilidad de extensión.

La persona seleccionada trabajará en el proyecto MATERIALES DISRUPTIVOS BIDIMENSIONALES (2D) que está financiado por la Comunidad de Madrid, el Estado a través del Plan de Recuperación, Transformación y Resiliencia, y la Unión Europea a través de los fondos NextGeneration EU.

Applications are processed upon reception. The position might be closed once ten working days have passed since publication, so we encourage early application.

The working language of the Institute is English. Full command of the English language is required in all positions.


Stimulating environment where you can grow professionally.

IMDEA Materials Institute is committed to equal opportunities, diversity and the promotion of a healthy work environment and work-life balance. Female applicants are encouraged to apply to our research and technical positions. See our Gender Equality Plan here and our Code of Ethics here.

Besides on-the-job technical training, IMDEA Materials Institute is committed to training the Institute’s scientists and staff in “soft” or transversal skills. See the available training here.

Meet some of our alumni to see what it is like to work with us.